Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fisker considering partnership deals

It seems that I am enamored (along with many others) with the idea of all electric cars with beautiful styling and huge performance. I seem to keep coming back to the Fisker Karma as my favorite, soon to be released, model. The problem for me is the $88,000 sticker price. Now I can justify quite a bit of payment to offset what I am currently spending on fuel for my Ford Expedition which averages about 12 MPG. Somehow the numbers are still pretty far apart. So, I have come up with a plan...

Companies should implement an incentive plan for employees who would like to switch to all electric. First, there should be a government subsidy for the first 20% of monthly payments for the first two years. Second, companies should grant an equal 20% tax exempt subsidy for employees who will agree to automatic payroll deduction. Finally, a prominent place would be constructed and provided for these employees to park and recharge their cars each day while they were working. This may be dreaming, but we wouldn't have many of the things we take for granted today if it weren't for someone dreaming of the concept and then moving it forward.

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