Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Confused Yet?

A while back I was having a conversation about the dangers revolving (foreshadowing) around driving with a friend of mine. My daughter had just gotten her drivers license and I became more aware of the issues we face every day from behind the wheel. He immediately became agitated and mentioned a new intersection near our house. At the entrance to our local park where all of the sports fields for children were, they had just created a European style round-about.

There was really no reason for it at all. Two roads coming to an intersection... and they felt the need to add a decorative island round-about and at least 18 signs telling confused drivers what to do, and how to proceed. When I came across the photo below, I just had to share with you. Sometimes we try so hard to simplify things we just make them complicated. I'm all for progress, but typically the easiest way to do things is still the best. (Surely there is a government commentary here somewhere)

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